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Risk Agenda

This Risk Agenda is updated annually by the Council for Licensed Conveyancers.

We call this a Risk Agenda because it sets an agenda for action by the regulated community to address and reduce common and significant risks.

It sets out significant issues that the CLC observes in its close monitoring and supervision of the regulated community and provides advice on how those risks can be mitigated through best practice approaches.

The frequency and depth of the CLC’s engagement with regulated practices allows us to track progress closely and the 2025 Risk Agenda will reflect any changes that we see.

This edition, for 2024, contains more material in relation to anti-money laundering (AML) and sanctions than past editions. It also highlights some issues of increasing significance such as problems arising from poor post-completion work and failures to meet undertakings.

We urge practices to make use of this Risk Agenda, and the rules, guidance and advice available on the CLC’s website, to protect their clients and themselves.