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Past Consultations

Code of Conduct 2023/24

The consultation on the Code of Conduct reflected the outcome of a 2022 consultation on updated Ethical Principles for CLC lawyers. More details of that are available below. 

The consultation closed on Monday, 8th January 2024.

Read the Summary of Responses to the Consultation on the Code of Conduct. 

See the rule change application and supporting documents on the Legal Services Board's website. 

Regulatory Fee-Setting 2023

This consultation closed on 8th September 2023

Read the consultation

Read the analysis of consultation responses

Read the submission to the Legal Services Board seeking approval of the CLC's proposals for regulatory fees for the year from 1 November 2023

Read the submission in relation to Compensation Fund contributions for the year from 1 November

Continuing Professional Development

This consultation closed on 13th January 2023

Read the full consultation

Read the analysis of consultation responses

Apprenticeship Standards

This consultation closed on 6th December 2022

Find out more

Ethical Standards & Developing Strategic Objectives

This consultation, in two parts, closed on 31 October 2022

Read the Consultation Document

Analysis of consultation responses on Ethical Standards

Analysis of consultation responses on Developing Strategic Objectives

CLC Equality Code Review Consultation 2022

Consultation closed 30 September 2022

Read the consultation document

Analysis of consultation responses

CLC Fees Consultation 2022

This consultation closed on 21 September 2022

Read the consultation document

The Adjudication Panel Rules 2022 Consultation

The consultation ran from mid-February to 1 June 2022.

Consultation responses are currently being reviewed.

January 2022 - The CLC's Professional Indemnity Insurance Arrangements

The Council considered the responses to the consultation at a meeting in March 2022. Their decisions and supporting background material are set out in the three documents below.

Outcome of the CLC 2022 PII Consultation and decisions by the Council of the CLC

Annex A CLC PII consultation 2022 Consultation Responses Analysis

Annex B CLC PII consultation 2022 Brief Survey results

The original Consultation document can be read here:

Consultation Document

Consultation closed 25 February 2022.

July 2021 - Review of Licence and Practice Fees and Compensation Fund arrangements for 2021-22

Consultation document

Summary of Responses to the CLC's Consultation on setting regulatory fees (2021-22)

Application to LSB under S51 for PCF Fee approval (2021-22)

LSB Decision Notice 20th October 2021 and Decision Letter

Implementation plan addendum to the CLC PCF application 19th October 2021

LSB Decision Notice on Practice Fees 1st November 2021

LSB Exemption Direction on Compensation Fund Contributions 1st November 2021

June 2021 - Cyber Cover in the CLC's PII Minimum Terms and Conditions

The LSB approved the CLC's application for a rule change on 21 September. Read the Decision Notice

Consultation Document

Application to the Legal Services Board for approval of a rule change, including a summary of consultation responses and CLC comments on them

July 2020 - Review of Licence and Practice Fee Arrangements

February 2020 - Review of the CLC’s Accounts Code & Guidance

September 2019 - Changes to the CLC Accounts Code: Summary of Consultation ResponsesList of respondents to consultation, Submissions received to the CLC Accounts Code consultation

August 2019 - Responses to the CLC's 2019 Consultation on its Regulatory Fee Arrangements

May 2019 - Review of Licence and Practice Fee Arrangements

April 2019 - Consultation on changes to the CLC Accounts Code

February 2019 - Report on the consultation on the draft Customer Charter can be found here

June 2018 - Implementation of CMA transparency recommendations set out in its Legal Services Market Study

June 2018 - Review of Licence and Practice Fee Arrangements

October 2017 - Helping consumers choose their lawyer: transparency of quality, service and price information

July 2017 - Indicative Sanctions Guidance

June 2017 - Authorisation requirements for entities

June 2017 - Review of Licence and Practice Fee arrangements

February 2017 - Proposed changes to the Accounts Code

March 2017 - Review of the CLC's CPD Regime

August 2016 - Proposed CLC Lawyer Standards for newly qualified Licensed Conveyancers and Licensed Probate Practitioners and a Proposed CLC Education Framework

May 2016 - Changes to PII arrangements for CLC regulated firms

May 2016 - Practice Fees Consultation

September 2015 - Revised AML Guidance - Analysis of responses to Consultation

May 2015 - Adjudication Panel Consultation Reviews

March 2015 - Proposed New Operating Framework for the Compensation Fund

February 2015 - Survey of Qualified Licensed Conveyancers on provision of education

February 2015 - Survey of CLC Students on provision of education

September 2014 - CLC response to findings of its consultation on the publication of disciplinary information

May 2014 - Consultation Paper Practice Fees

April 2014 - Disciplinary Consultations Findings

May 2013 - Practice Fees

April 2013 - Referrals Consultation - Overview of Responses

March 2013 - Standalone Consultation Paper

January 2013 - Discipline and Appeals Arrangements

August 2011 - Call for evidence : Mortage Fraud

May 2011 - Adjudication Panel Consultation

April 2011 - Proposed Amendment to the application by the CLC to the Legal Service Board to be designated as a licensing authority : Standard of proof

February 2011 - Feedback from our Outcomes-Focused Regulation Consultation

September 2010 - ABS Framework

September 2010 - Regulatory Enforcement

September 2010 - Revised Rules & Guidance

September 2010 - Litigation & Advocacy

July 2010 - Outcomes-Focused Regulation-Draft CLC Code of Conduct

July 2010 - Code of Conduct Consultation Feedback

February 2010 - Review of License and Practice Fee Arrangements

February 2010 - The CLC's application to regulate Licensed Conveyance Practices into the exercise of rights of Audience and the Conduct of Litigation

January 2010 - Referrals from 3rd Parties - Provision of cost information

July 2008 - Summary of Response to IPS Consultation Paper

January 2008 - Consultation Paper IPS