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Understanding the conveyancing profession

14 March, 2016

The Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) is surveying all lawyers that hold a CLC licence and all staff in CLC-regulated firms.

We’re asking about diversity and inclusion, job satisfaction and reward.

When the CLC-regulated profession was last surveyed, in 2013, we found that women were the majority of all lawyers and others working in CLC-regulated firms. However, there were proportionately fewer women in management roles than men. This seemed to indicate that career progression for women was not as smooth as it should be.

The 2013 survey also showed that CLC lawyers were more likely to be found at the younger and older ends of the working age spectrum, with a drop in the middle. This gave rise to concerns about the ease of making succession arrangements.

In 2015, as well as returning to questions about diversity and inclusion to understand whether and how the picture might be changing, the CLC is also looking at issues around job satisfaction and reward. We hope this data will provide a rounded picture about the profession that will help us in our role as regulator and provide useful insight for the profession itself.

The survey takes 20 minutes to complete. Information provided will be treated with the strictest confidence and will only be published in anonymised form so that no individual respondent can be identified from it.

Take the survey now and let us know about your experience in the conveyancing profession. Click the appropriate link below.

I work in a firm regulated by the CLC

I hold an individual CLC licence but do not work in a firm regulated by the CLC