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Consultation Responses

Below are the CLC’s responses to consultations by other organisations.

We always welcome comments or questions on any of the CLC’s thinking. You can email us on

July 2024 – CLC Response to CILEx Regulation Consultation on changes to Transparency Rules

June 2024 – Response to HM Treasury Consultation on Improving the Money Laundering Regulations

April 2024 – Submission to DLUHC Select Committee Inquiry into Home Buying and Selling 

April 2024 – Letter to the Chief Executive of the Legal Services Board on the operation of Internal Governance Rules

April 2024 – CLC Response to a Faculty Office Consultation March on Supervision

December 2023 – CLC Response to OLC Consultation on its Draft 2024-27 Strategy and 2024/25 Business Plan and Budget

November 2023 – CLC Response to the LSB Consultation on draft section 112 Requirements, Guidance and policy statement for approved regulators in relation to first-tier complaints

October 2023 – CLC Response to LSB Consultation on Draft Guidance on Promotion of Technology and Innovation

September 2023 – CLC Response to HM Treasury Consultation Reform of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Supervisory Regime

September 2023 CLC submission to CMA call for evidence on unregulated legal services

February 2023 – LSB Consultation on its Budget and Business Plan for 2023-24

December 2022 – OLC Consultation on its Budget and Business Plan for 2023-24

April 2022  – OLC Consultation on Scheme Rules Changes

February 2022 – DLUHC Consultation on Leasehold Reform

February 2022 – CLC Response to LSB Consultation on its draft Business Plan 2022-23

December 2021 – CLC Response to OLC Business Plan 2022-23 Consultation

July 2021 – CLC response to Law Commission 14th Programme Consultation 30 July 2021

July 2021 – CLC Response to LSB Consultation on Rules for Applications 30 July 2021

July 2021 – CLC Response to the CMA Consultation on the Office for the Internal Market guidance and policy statement 23072021

May 2021 – UK Internal Markets Act: Continuity of exclusions from the principles of mutual recognition and non-discrimination for services

April 2021 – Response to LSB Discussion Paper on Quality Indicators

February 2021 – CLC Response to LSB Consultation Draft strategy for legal services regulation and draft business plan

January 2021 – CLC Response to LeO budget and business plan consultation

October 2020 – CLC Response to the Legal Services Board’s consultation on proposed practising fee rules

September 2020 – CLC Response to CMA call for inputs

August 2020 – CLC Response to CILEx Regulation Consultation on ACCA Probate Regulation

June 2020 – CLC’s Response to the LSB’s Call for Evidence on Ongoing Competence

April 2020 – CLC response to LSB Consultation on Regulatory Performance and proposed regulatory independence monitoring

February 2020 – CLC Response to LSB Consultation on its Draft Business Plan

January 2020 – CLC Response to OLC Consultation on its Corporate Strategy

January 2020 – CLC response to LeO Consultation Transparency and Reporting Impact

September 2019 – CLC response to DCMS call for evidence on Digital Identity

February 2019 – CLC response to Law Commission reinvigorating Commonhold consultation

January 2019 – CLC response to OLC Consultation on LeO Business Plan

January 2019 – CLC response to LSB Proposed Internal Governance Rules

November 2018 – CLC response to MHCLG consultation on reforms to the leasehold system in England

November 2018 – CLC response to FCA OPBAS fee rates

November 2018 – CLC response Law Commission leasehold home ownership consultation

November 2018 – CLC response Law Commission execution of documents consultation

October 2018 – CLC response Law Commission SARs regime consultation

September 2018 – CLC response to BEIS consultation on Draft Registration of Overseas Entities Bill

July 2018 – CLC response to Bank of England consultation on ISO 20022

June 2018 – CLC supplementary response to LSB consultation on IGR

May 2018 – CLC response to consultation on proposed changes to the Law Society National Conveyancing Protocol

April 2018 – CLC response MHCLG consultation on consumer redress in the housing market

February 2018 – CLC response to LSB consultation on reviewing the internal governance rules

December 2017 – CLC’s response to DCLG’s call for evidence on improving the home buying and selling process

August 2017 – CLC’s reponse to HM Treasury consultation on the anti-money laundering supervisory review

April 2017 – CLC’s reponse to HM Land Registry’s consultation on changes to the Land Registration Rules 2003

December 2016 – CLC’s Response to LSB’s consultation on revised guidance for regulators on encouraging a diverse profession

August 2016 – CLC’s response to the CMA’s interim report on its market study of the legal sector

July 2016 – CLC’s Response to SRA consultation ‘Removing Barriers to Switching Regulator’

June 2016 – CLC’s Response The Law Commission ‘Updating the Land Registration Act 2002’

June 2016 – CLC Response to HM Treasury Call for Information on Anti-Money Laundering Supervisory Regime

May 2016 – CLC Response to BIS consultation on moving Land Registry Operations into the private sector

February 2016 – CLC response to CMA market study scoping

September 2013 – Response to the Ministry of Justice Review of Regulation of Legal Services