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Code of Conduct Anti-Money Laundering & Combating Terrorist Financing Code Accounts Code Complaints Code Conflict(s) of Interest Code Continuing Professional Development Code Dealing with Non-Authorised Persons Code Disclosure of Profits and Advantage Code Equality Code Estimates and Terms of Engagement Code Management and Supervision Arrangements Code Notification Code Professional Indemnity Insurance Code Transaction Files Code Undertakings Code
Acting as Ancillary Insurance Intermediaries Code Acting for Lenders and Prevention and Detection of Mortgage Fraud Code & Guidance Licensed Body (ABS) Code Recognised Body Code
The the Council for Licensed Conveyancers established under s.12 of the 1985 Act.CLC’s regulatory regime is underpinned by the Handbook which sets out the regulatory responsibilities of all individuals and firms regulated by us.
Following consultation, the the Council for Licensed Conveyancers established under s.12 of the 1985 Act.CLC introduced a new, revised overarching the parent document of our regulatory arrangements, outlining the Overriding Principles that the regulated community must comply with and the Outcomes which they must deliver.Code of Conduct with effect from 1st January 2025, and consequentially updated many of the subsidiary Codes.
The revised Codes are set out below and at the links to the left. The revised many of our regulatory Codes are underpinned by guidance which identify considerations to be borne in mind when seeking to deliver the identified outcomes; the guidance provided is not mandatoryGuidance is here.
Previous versions of the the parent document of our regulatory arrangements, outlining the Overriding Principles that the regulated community must comply with and the Outcomes which they must deliver.Code of Conduct and subsidiary Codes are available here: https://www.clc-uk.org/archives/
The the parent document of our regulatory arrangements, outlining the Overriding Principles that the regulated community must comply with and the Outcomes which they must deliver.Code of Conduct is the parent document of the the Council for Licensed Conveyancers established under s.12 of the 1985 Act.CLC Handbook; it sits above all other subsidiary Codes in our the sum of Codes, Guidance, Frameworks and Policies, which set out the responsibilities of the Regulated Community and our approach to regulation.regulatory arrangements.
The the parent document of our regulatory arrangements, outlining the Overriding Principles that the regulated community must comply with and the Outcomes which they must deliver.Code of Conduct prescribes six Ethical PluralCAPITAL an essential quality; a characteristic, behaviour or ethic, which must be demonstrated so that positive Outcomes are generated for Clients.Principles of behaviour which are essential to delivering the specific delivery of a positive result for Clients; it is the end result of the application of a principle or specific requirement the CLC’s Regulatory Arrangements are focused upon these Outcomes, which everyone who we regulate must deliver.Outcomes which sit beneath each of the Ethical PluralCAPITAL an essential quality; a characteristic, behaviour or ethic, which must be demonstrated so that positive Outcomes are generated for Clients.Principles.
All the Council for Licensed Conveyancers established under s.12 of the 1985 Act.CLC regulated individuals and bodies are expected to comply with the the parent document of our regulatory arrangements, outlining the Overriding Principles that the regulated community must comply with and the Outcomes which they must deliver.Code of Conduct in the delivery of authorised under the Code of Conduct this means that Authorised Persons must personally carry out or supervise the Reserved Legal Activity provided.reserved legal activities and permitted non-under the Code of Conduct this means that Authorised Persons must personally carry out or supervise the Reserved Legal Activity provided.reserved legal activities.
Subsidiary (topic-specific) Codes also apply to all regulated activities carried out by the individuals or bodies specified in that Code. Subsidiary Codes address important areas of practice, underpinning the the parent document of our regulatory arrangements, outlining the Overriding Principles that the regulated community must comply with and the Outcomes which they must deliver.Code of Conduct, and support regulated individuals and bodies in delivering the Ethical PluralCAPITAL an essential quality; a characteristic, behaviour or ethic, which must be demonstrated so that positive Outcomes are generated for Clients.Principles and delivery of a positive result for Clients; it is the end result of the application of a principle or specific requirement the CLC’s Regulatory Arrangements are focused upon these Outcomes, which everyone who we regulate must deliver.Outcomes defined in the the parent document of our regulatory arrangements, outlining the Overriding Principles that the regulated community must comply with and the Outcomes which they must deliver.Code of Conduct.
Our regulated community must ensure that they always comply with the the parent document of our regulatory arrangements, outlining the Overriding Principles that the regulated community must comply with and the Outcomes which they must deliver.Code of Conduct and subsidiary Codes and must not permit anyone else to act or fail to act in such a way as to amount to a breach the Codes or Ethical PluralCAPITAL an essential quality; a characteristic, behaviour or ethic, which must be demonstrated so that positive Outcomes are generated for Clients.Principles.
Should circumstances arise in which there is an apparent conflict between a subsidiary Code, the the parent document of our regulatory arrangements, outlining the Overriding Principles that the regulated community must comply with and the Outcomes which they must deliver.Code of Conduct, or any other regulatory requirement, our regulated community must ensure that they comply with the the parent document of our regulatory arrangements, outlining the Overriding Principles that the regulated community must comply with and the Outcomes which they must deliver.Code of Conduct. If in doubt, contact the the Council for Licensed Conveyancers established under s.12 of the 1985 Act.CLC for advice.
We retain the discretion to waive a particular requirement of the the sum of Codes, Guidance, Frameworks and Policies, which set out the responsibilities of the Regulated Community and our approach to regulation.regulatory arrangements. A body may apply for a modification of its a licence to practise as a Licensed Conveyancer issued by the CLC under Part II of the 1985 Act (and includes where the context permits a conveyancing licence, a probate licence, a litigation licence and an advocacy licence).IExpY2VuY2UgQXV0aG9yaXNhdGlvbnMsIENvbmRpdGlvbnMsIFBlcm1pc3Npb25zIGFuZCBUZXJtczogplease see authorisations, conditions, permissions and terms.licence to this end or we may apply a waiver due to particular circumstances.
Words presented in bold italicised font – such as Regulated methods of organisation including systems, procedures, controls, functions, roles, and processes.arrangements above – are defined in the Glossary of specifies by way of endorsements, the Authorisations, Permissions and Conditions of a CLC Licence.Terms.