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7 June, 2013
Risk Management Tools There is now a broad range of different products on the market offering solutions to different types of risk. In the CLC’s view, the most effective way a practice can minimise risk in any area is to ensure that it has appropriate and proportionate processes and procedures to supervise and quality assure [Read more]
15 May, 2013
CLC reacts to Lord Chancellor’s decision not to regulate will-writing CLC disappointed by Lord Chancellor’s decision not to bring will writing into regulation Consumers want peace of mind when writing a will CLC will explore with will writers options for voluntary regulatory arrangements The Council for Licensed Conveyancers today expressed disappointment at the Lord Chancellor’s [Read more]
14 May, 2013
In April of this year, the CLC began preparations to undertake a programme of diversity profiling work. This work is a requirement of the Legal Services Board and is designed to ensure the legal services market is reflective of the society it serves. Just as we will be asking our regulated practices to complete a [Read more]
8 May, 2013
View the Handbook and Frameworks explanation of amendments in May 2013 here.
7 May, 2013
The CLC is consulting on the structure for setting regulatory fees for 2013-2014. We intend to set regulatory fees applying the model that has been in force since 1 November 2010. Read moreand respond to the consultation.
7 May, 2013
Between January 2013 and March 2013 the CLC consulted on our Discipline and Appeals Arrangements. We received 27 completed responses. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the consultation. This document sets out the findings of that consultation exercise.
3 May, 2013
On the 30th April 2012 the CLC intervened into the licensed conveyancing practice Mike Judge Property Lawyers of 11-13 Cheetham Street Rochdale, Lancashire. We would like to assure existing clients of Mike Judge Property Lawyers that the CLC is working to ensure that outstanding conveyancing transactions can proceed with minimal inconvenience. If you have any [Read more]
23 April, 2013
We’re grateful to everyone who took part in our consultation on the future of referral fees. As ever, opinions on principle of referral fees is very evenly divided but there is a very clear majority in favour of the enhanced disclosure provisions we have proposed. The Council will now consider the final shape of our [Read more]
22 April, 2013
It was great to see from the Annual Regulatory Return that many of you proactively record client satisfaction levels and, vitally, use the information to improve the service your firm offers. View the full results here.
27 March, 2013
The Council for Licensed Conveyancers has today issued a consultation paper which is open for responses until Wednesday 19th June 2013. Read more.
11 March, 2013
The CLC has launched a new course aimed at aimed at staff working in a wide range of sectors such as legal, property or financial services, who want to understand the basics of conveyancing. Titled, Conveyancing: Basic Principles in Practice, the course is at A Level (level 3) standard and priced at only 225 GBP, [Read more]
13 February, 2013
View the Handbook and Framework explanation of amendments published in February 2013 here.
14 January, 2013
The Legal Ombudsman has received the go ahead to update its rules on complaint handling. The changes are intended to help the Ombudsman respond to a developing legal services market and ready it to start handling complaints about claims management companies later this year. It is hoped that the changes will also ensure the Ombudsman [Read more]